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Getting a divorce when your spouse is deployed

 Posted on October 06,2017 in Divorce

Getting a divorce under any circumstances is nearly always a challenge. However, it can be even more difficult for military couples in which one spouse is deployed. Texas is home to many military couples, some of them in need of guidance when ending a marriage. This is particularly the case when the spouse currently in America has little or no local support.

While a military divorce may be difficult in terms of procedure as well as emotion, there are steps to take that can make the process at least a little easier. Approaching a divorce in an organized manner is helpful as are the steps discussed below.

  • Consider pre-divorce counseling: While you are still married to a service member, you have access to a variety of military programs that may help you cope with the emotional side of divorce.
  • Consult with a lawyer: This step will lay the foundation of your divorce as a good attorney can inform you about the procedures necessary for a military divorce in your state.
  • Collect documentation: This typically includes legal documents, insurance policies and financial information to list just a few. During your consultation, your lawyer will tell you what type of documentation you need.
  • Make a budget: It is best to prepare as early as possible for the financial hardships that often accompany divorce. This step can also help you make a realistic estimate of your future financial needs as a single person.

With preparation, professional legal guidance and as positive an outlook as possible, you truly can emerge from your military divorce as a strong and independent person who is well-equipped to meet whatever the future may hold.

Source:, “6 Steps Through A Deployment Divorce,” Matthew R. Hamel, accessed Oct. 06, 2017

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