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Coping with your grief following divorce takes time

 Posted on June 13,2019 in Divorce

Some people are absolutely thrilled to get divorced — but most people experience real grief at the end of their marriage, even if it was a short one.

The end of a marriage generally represents the end of all the dreams you built up of life with that person — and entire future that suddenly vanishes before it could ever become a reality. It also leaves you with a mixture of memories that are both good and bad times with that person and a history that has a real emotional impact on your way of being as you move forward.

Overcoming your grief at the end of your marriage takes time and plenty of energy — which is why it is often best to put as many of the practical details of your divorce in the hands of your attorney. That way, you can focus on regaining your sense of self and your personal identity without as many distractions.

In addition, here are some other ways you can cope with the feelings you’re experiencing:

1. Find support outside of your family and friends

You need objective ears to hear you right now. A therapist’s office is often the best place to sort through your feelings and come to terms with what you think — without anyone telling you what you should think.

A divorce coach or support group can also be helpful. When times are particularly tough, they can cheer you on and keep you focused.

2. Journal out your feelings

You need some way to express all your feelings — including those that might not be socially acceptable. A journal is a great place to vent, throw your anger around and generally let all your rawest feelings show.

When you’re done, you can tuck it away somewhere — or throw it away as a symbolic gesture of “letting go.”

For more information on what to do if you’re facing a divorce, contact our office today. We may be able to help take the worry away.

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