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Texas judge calls Child Protective Services dishonest, malicious

 Posted on November 22,2018 in Family Law

A Harris County judge sanctioned Child Protective Services (CPS) for actions that deeply disrupted a Texas family’s life and ripped two small children from their loving parents’ home. The judge awarded the family $127,000 plus legal fees for what they’d suffered. He also ordered CPS to retrain its workers.

The saga started when a five-month-old infant fell from a lawn chair and struck his head on the cement. Although his mother immediately sought appropriate medical care for him, doctors spotted a second injury that the mother couldn’t explain. As required by law, they contacted CPS.

Since the baby’s injuries were “consistent with child abuse,” according to the CPS team, both the infant and his two-year-old sister were removed from their home and placed with family members.

It wasn’t long, however, before doctors at Texas Children’s Hospital discovered the real reason for the infant’s wounds: a blood clotting disorder that had been previously undetected.

Since the issue with the blood clotting disorder was also causing the baby’s injury to heal badly, doctors had to drill a hole in the baby’s skull to relieve pressure on his brain. Consequently, doctors wanted the mother to nurse her infant in order to prevent even more medical problems. However, CPS workers continued to delay efforts to get mother and child together.

Eventually, the parents moved the children home on their own out of desperation. CPS workers responded by seeking emergency custody — and hid the child’s blood disorder and the statements from child’s doctors. When the court later became aware that something underhanded had taken place, one of the caseworkers responded to questions in court by invoking her right against self-incrimination.

If you have a run-in with CPS in Texas regarding custody of your child, don’t take chances with your family’s stability. An experienced family law attorney can help you protect your rights.

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