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Telling your kids about your divorce isnt going to be easy

 Posted on June 05,2020 in Divorce

When it comes to their parents, kids expect a happily ever after. Unfortunately, things don’t always work out that way. Life happens, and couples grow apart. Husbands and wives split up. The hardest part of it all is breaking the news to your kids. It’s not easy telling them that your family is breaking apart and that mommy and daddy won’t be living together anymore.

Children react differently to divorce, depending on their age, personality and their relationship with their parents. Kids often blame themselves for their parents splitting up. They often think that it’s their fault. Children experience a variety of emotions from shock to sadness, anger, frustration, worry and fear upon learning about their parents’ split.

Parents must assure their children that their divorce isn’t their kids’ fault. Couples should avoid having arguments and discussions about separating in front of their children. Maintaining a routine and keeping disruptions to a minimum is vital for their continued development. It’s at the point when you and your spouse are splitting up that it’s more important than ever that you maintain an active and positive presence in your children’s lives.

Your kids are not your therapist or friends. You shouldn’t go to them to vent or for emotional support. Your children have enough to handle in dealing with the trauma of your divorce.

You, as parents, should try to break the news of your divorce jointly. You both should refrain from passing any blame, acting out in anger or making anyone feel guilty as you all discuss plans for your family.

If you have children, you probably realize that it’s not going to be easy to break the news of your divorce to them. You and your ex should carefully consider how you think that it’s best to broach the topic with your kids. You may even want to speak with a child therapist to learn more about what you should say to children.

A divorce attorney may be able to help guide you through the transition process as you and your former spouse prepare to go your separate ways. A lawyer that offers reasonable, practical and affordable representation here in San Antonio is who you’ll want to navigate you through these and other obstacles that you’re sure to encounter as you attempt to settle your Texas case.

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